Hajj and Umrah Duah and Fiqh – 5 Book set – Sh Muhammad Amien Fakier


5 Book set includes:

  1. How to Perform the Hajj and Umrah
  2. The Duahs of al-Madinah al-Munowarrah
  3. The Duahs of Makkah al-Mukarramah
  4. The Duahs of the Tawaaf and Sa’i
  5. The Duahs of Arafah, Muzdalifah and Mina

Sheikh Muhammad Amien Fakier’s is one of Cape Town’s most prolific and celebrated scholars. An Imam, Faqih, Qadi of the Muslim Judicial Council and author of the Al-Mufeedah, a general primer on Fiqh and Belief following the Shafi school of jurisprudence. This is his timeless set of books covering the Fiqh and Duahs of Hajj and Umrah. A staple of the Cape Town Muslim community for decades and available for all to benefit.

The books contain Arabic duahs, transliteration and English translation of the duahs. All explanations and discussions are written in English

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