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“Risalah al Mufeedah or commonly referred to as Al Mufeedah. Written by the Qadi of the Muslim Judicial Council and one of Cape Towns senior scholars Sheikh Muhammad Armien Fakier:
The book includes the following topics:
– Arkaanul-Islaam, Arkaanul-Eemaan, the Ih’saan and the Kalimah of Shahaadah
Allah and his attributes, the angels, the revealed books, the prophets, the last day, the divine decree and a short biography of our prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
– The meaning of Mukal’laf, cleanliness, najaasah, the niy’yah, ha’dith, the division of water and is’tinjaa
Abolution, wiping over the Khuf’s, Ghus’l, Tayam’mum, A’thaan, Iqaamah,
– Salaah, Sujoodus-Sah’wi, the Sujood of Tilaawah and the Salaah of Jamaa’ah
The Jumu’ah prayer, the two Eids, the Salaah of Is’tikhaarah, the Salaah of Tas’beeh, the Salaatul-Haajah, the Salaah of Tahaj’jud, the praying for rain, and the Salaah of Kusoof and Khusoof (eclipse of the sun and the moon)
– The Salaatul-Janaazah, Aayatul-Kur’si and Sayi’yidul-Is’tigh’faar. Zakaah, Fasting, the Salaah of Taraweeh, Sodaqatul Fit’r, the I’tikaaf, the Hajj and Umrah
– The Khit’bah, the marriage, the Tas’miyah (naming a child), the Aqeeqah, the Qurbaan, and prayers for different occasions.
– The Janaazah, how to prepare the Kafan, how to perform Ghus’l, the burial, visiting the grave and graveyard, the Shaheed/Martyr, the Siq’t/miscarriage, the Id’dah(the waiting period for a woman) and the testamin/will of a muslim.
A must have for every Muslim old or new, every household or anyone interested in learning more about Islam.”
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