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If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you may return it within 7 days of receiving it.

In the event that you are sent the wrong item or your order is faulty or damaged, we will exchange it for the correct one. If we are unable to exchange it, we will refund you for the item including delivery costs.

If you are not satisfied and the product is in the original condition, you may return within 7 days of purchase. This will be at your cost and we will refund you the purchase price excluding delivery costs.

You may return your orders to the head office; however the package must first be inspected, this can take up to 7 days.

For us to give you a refund on a bank deposit payment, you must be willing to send us your banking details. Alternatively, we will reimburse you with a gift voucher from Chapter 96 Bookz.

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Depending on the amount of books ordered, the general order will come in a single package.

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